Learn Danish with A2B Improve Your Danish While Studying in Denmark

If you are an international student in Denmark, it makes sense to learn Danish so you can land an interesting part-time job, navigate Danish society, and participate in social activities with Danes. Professionally, it will also benefit your resume to add an extra language. Although Danish is a difficult language to master, there are several things you can do to improve your skills.

In this article, we have compiled a series of tips on how you can improve your Danish by simply introducing small, simple changes to your daily routine.

Speak Danish

You can't avoid it, and you've probably heard it many times before. A good way to learn a new language is to speak it. This way, you practice pronunciation and get used to the new language suddenly coming out of your mouth. Start with simple sentences and you will quickly find that it's not so scary to talk to the cashier at the supermarket, the waiter at the cafe, or the sales assistant in the clothing store. Initially, you may find it difficult to express yourself and find the right words. But don't let that hold you back. Danes are only pleased when you try to communicate in their language.

Use Help Tools

You may have access to various help tools through your studies. Otherwise, it makes sense to seek help with the Danish language via apps and dictionaries, if you need to look up a word, translate, or simply practice words to improve your vocabulary.

Write in Danish

If you find it challenging to write in Danish, you are not alone. A good way to get better at written Danish is simply to write away. And for many, it works well to write by hand. So, get out the old-fashioned paper and pencil and perhaps start a diary about life as an international student in Denmark. If you have an interest in social media, try setting up your own blog or Instagram profile, where you talk about your daily life in Danish. Also practice communicating in Danish in emails and text messages to your Danish friends or colleagues.

Participate in an Activity

A great way to get out among other Danes and strengthen your language skills is to sign up for an activity. This could be anything from team sports and crafts to volunteer work. If you find it daunting to do it alone, you might see if you can get another international student to join you. Of course, they should also be committed to speaking Danish when you are out.

Listen to the Danish Language

When you're about to start cleaning at home, put on some Danish music or listen to Danish podcasts or audiobooks. When you listen to the Danish language, your ears pick up on how the words are pronounced. The same applies if you put on a Danish film. You might choose to turn on Danish subtitles, so you can also see how the word is spelled.

Enroll in an Online Course

As a student, you have a lot on your plate - and you probably have a part-time job as well that needs attention. Therefore, it would make sense to take an online course in Danish, so you can sit at home in your room and follow the instruction via Teams. At A2B, you can sign up for various Danish language courses that suit your wishes and needs. You can also choose Danish as a self-study, and study the Danish language whenever it suits you.

As an international student, it is free to participate in The Official Danish Language Course if you have a referral from the municipality you live in. You can sign up for our Danish courses here. If you do not have a referral, we are happy to help you contact your municipality to obtain one.


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