Learn Danish with A2B Improve Your Danish While Working in Denmark

More and more international workers are coming to Denmark, and it is often a challenge for them to learn the Danish language. For many foreign nationals, learning to speak and write Danish is not easy. To become proficient in Danish, it is important to have a good grasp of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

But how can you improve your Danish when you are busy with work and possibly have family responsibilities? In this article, we have gathered a series of tips on how you can improve your Danish through small daily efforts.

Speak as Much as You Can

A great way to get better at pronouncing Danish words is to speak and get the words out of your own mouth. It can be daunting to express yourself in another language, but if you make sure to speak a little Danish every day, you will quickly get used to your new voice. Start small and speak Danish when you, for example, shop, dine out, meet your colleagues outside work, or drop off children at daycare (if you have a family). Engage in as many conversations in Danish as possible, even if you say or pronounce something incorrectly.

Read in Danish

To expand your vocabulary, you can read Danish books, magazines, or articles online. Of course, you should not start with thick books or dense texts. Read about something that interests you and start easy with light material. When you read in Danish, you also notice how a sentence is constructed, which makes it easier to express yourself in writing in Danish.

Write in Danish

Practice the Danish language by writing in Danish. It's a good idea not only to focus on speaking but also on writing. One of the best ways to get better at writing in Danish is to write small notes or entries in a diary. Start with short simple sentences and gradually progress as your vocabulary grows. Also make it a habit to write in Danish in emails and text messages to your Danish friends or colleagues. If you use social media, occasionally post updates in Danish.

Use Your Ears and Listen

Put on a Danish movie or series, watch the news in Danish, or listen to podcasts or audiobooks in Danish. This way, you get used to listening to the Danish language and hearing how the words are pronounced. Here too, it's all more engaging if you find a genre that you are already interested in.

Take a Language Course in Danish

To get off to a good start, you can sign up for a Danish language course. At A2B, you can choose from various types of courses, depending on the form of instruction you prefer.

For example, choose between self-study, private tutoring, or regular class instruction, which takes place online via Teams. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or have some knowledge of the Danish language, A2B always has a course that suits you.

As an international employee, it is free to participate in The Official Danish Language Course if you have a referral from your municipality—the municipality pays for your Danish course. You can sign up for our Danish courses here. If you do not have a referral, we are happy to help you contact your municipality to obtain one.


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