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Take The Higher Education Test with A2B

Do you need to pass the final Danish language exam The Higher Education Test – perhaps as part of a your plan to apply for a Danish university degree? And do you wish to take the exam at A2B’s Aarhus location without participating in lessons prior?

Here you can register for The Higher Education Test as as a private student. The Higher Education Test is the 6th module in Danskuddannelse 3 and is part of the prerequisites to apply for several bachelors and master degrees that are taught in Danish.

When taking The Higher Education Test, there is both an oral exam and a written exam.


You will be tested in:

  • Reading comprehension. The texts require a broad knowledge of Danish academic language.
  • Writing, where it is expected that you can explain, analyze, put into perspective and discuss topics in an academic way.
  • Speaking and listening. You will make a presentation on an academic topic followed by a discussion with your examinating teacher.


Before your exam, you will receive information from A2B regarding location, meeting times etc.

The Higher Education Test is held twice per year: In May/June and November/December. The exams follow the guidance from the ministry and you will receive a grade based on the Danish 7 step scale. When you purchase the exam, you pay the fees.  

If you previously have taken The Higher Education Test but only have passed one part, you can sign up again and only take the part that you didn’t pass the first time. If you then pass the discipline, you can transfer the results from your previous test and receive a diploma.

Danskuddannelse 3 modul 6 (The Higher Education Test) is targeted students, who have a long educational background from their home country and want to take a Danish bachelor or masters degree. The Higher Education Test can also be relevant in certain jobs, where it is expected of you to communicate with an academic level of Danish proficiency.


Prepare yourself for The Higher Education Test


Practical information about The Higher Education Test

The Higher Education Test (Studieprøven)

Take The Higher Education Test with A2B on November 11th 2024 – signup for both the written and the oral exam, or just one of them.

Signup deadline September 2nd 2024.

Price:  DKK 911 for the oral exam and DDK 911 for the written exam.

Closed for registration